Basic Shortcrust Pastry

225 g plain flour 
pinch of salt 
50 g butter or margarine,  
        chilled and diced
50 g lard, chilled and diced 
1.  Mix the flour and salt together in a bowl. Add the fat to the flour. Using your fingertips rub the fat lightly into the flour until the mixture resembles fine breadcrumbs.  

2.  Add 3 to 4 tablespoons of chilled water, sprinkling evenly over the surface. (Uneven addition may cause blistering when the pastry is cooked.) Stir in with a round-bladed knife until the mixture begins to stick together in large lumps. With one hand, collect the dough mixture together to form a ball. 

3.  Knead lightly for a few seconds to give a firm, smooth dough. Do not overhandle the dough. To roll out, sprinkle very little flour on a working surface and on the rolling pin (not on the pastry) and roll out the dough evenly in one direction only, turning it occasionally. The usual thickness is 0.3 cm (1/8 inch). Do not pull or stretch the pastry. 

4.  The pastry can be baked right away, but it is better if allowed to 'rest' for about 30 minutes in the tin or dish, covered in foil or clingflim, in the refrigerator. Bake in the oven at 200 to 220oC (400 to 450oF) until lightly browned. 
Makes 225 grams.